Jerome wrote: Hi,
I don't understand your last problem ; what is the "if I have more fields in the list" ? Which list ? How ?
The way that you display the field is good but the value you have to the field Class is not the good one
Why are you concatenate the order product id to the existing value of the custom field ?
Sorry, I copied the wrong lines, as I want to achieve almost the same to every each ordered items on a field named that.
I successfully solved the earlier described problem by adding in datepickerfield_class.php to $id variable a randomly generated number, so in this way, the multiple fields are loaded in listing view, now loaded with different ids, so they are not confused.
So, now in listing view I successfully solved to modify the order_status and adding date field by pushing just one click.
I also wanted to use the same method on show the order page (example link: /index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=show&cid=353&Itemid=139)
But it gives a 403 error, maybe because this is a task page already? Or I don't know, just getting deeper in Joomla.
I wanted to use that function, but maybe I do not implemented it to the right place, or maybe I'm calling it not the right way.
function tetelkiszallitas_update(){
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$order_id = JRequest::getVar('order_id');
$product_id = JRequest::getVar('product_id');
$redirect_url = JRequest::getVar('redirect_url');
if(isset($data['product']['kiszallitva_tetel'])) {
$query = 'UPDATE '.hikashop_table('order_product').' SET kiszallitva_tetel='.$db->Quote($data['product']['kiszallitva_tetel']).' WHERE order_product_id='.$db->Quote($order->order_number);
$result = $db->query();
$redirect_url = JRequest::getVar('redirect_url');
return true;
And the code that tries to use this in view/order/show.php:
<form id="adminForm_<?php echo $product->order_product_id; ?>_kiszallitott" action="#" method="post" name="adminForm_<?php echo $product->order_product_id; ?>_kiszallitott">
<div class="szallitas_mezok_lista szallitas_mezok_<?php echo $product->order_product_id; ?>" style="display:none;">
$orderClass = hikamarket::get('shop.class.order');
$productClass = hikamarket::get('shop.class.product');
$fieldsClass = hikamarket::get('shop.class.field');
$fields = $fieldsClass->getFields('frontcomp',$item,'item','checkout&task=state');
<?php //echo $row->kiszallitva_igenyles;
echo $fieldsClass->display($fields['kiszallitva_tetel'], $data->kiszallitva_tetel, 'data[product][kiszallitva_tetel]');
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-large right" name="tetelkiszallitas_update" value="MENTÉS" onclick="var field=document.getElementById('<?php echo $product->order_product_id; ?>');document.adminForm_<?php echo $product->order_product_id; ?>_kiszallitott.submit();return false;">MENTÉS</button>
<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo HIKASHOP_COMPONENT; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="tetelkiszallitas_update" />
<input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<?php echo $product->order_product_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="<?php echo $this->order->order_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="ctrl" value="<?php echo JRequest::getCmd('ctrl'); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="<?php echo hikashop_currentURL(); ?>" />
<?php echo JHTML::_( 'form.token' ); ?>
Any help would be really appreciated...