Hello Xavier,
(first of all happy new year !)
I am struggling with a similar need.
I am using Hikashop Business 2.6.0
I would like to add a "shipping method" filter in the orders listing page (in the backend)
I already did modify the view "order / listing" in order to get what you can see in the attached image. (new column with orders shipping id)
Could you be more explicit concerning the changes to operate in order to get the additional "shipping method" filter ?
I also would lke to replace the shipping methods ids with their actual names.
For that purpose I tried with that in the order listing view :
<td class="hikashop_order_shipping_value">
<?php if(!empty($row->order_shipping_method)){
echo $this->shippings[$row->order_shipping_id]->shipping_name;
echo $this->shippings[$row->order_shipping_method]->shipping_name;
echo $row->order_shipping_id;
} ?>
and added :
$shippings= $pluginClass->getMethods('shipping');
in the "administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/order/view.html.php", function "listing()"
But this keeps showing only the shipping_id and not the shipping_name...
The additional toolbar button I would like to add (see image) should probably be the subject of another post right ?
Thank you for your help.