1. I'm not a specialist of emails but it's highly possible that the email client you're using to display the email forces the links to be blue underlined to prevent some spam techniques. For example:
2. There is normally no @$data->user_data variable, but if that works for you, then fine. Normally, I would recommend:
@$data->customer->FIELD where FIELD is the column name of your custom user field.
If you're using a custom address field, then it should be instead @$data->cart->billing_address->FIELD
3. You need to add the corresponding tag to the address_template view file for both your backend and forntend template via the menu Display>Views.
4. You'll be able to change that like for point 3.
5. That's not about CSS. They are cropped because the code of the email makes them cropped :
$img = $imageHelper->getThumbnail($item->images[0]->file_path, array(50, 50), array('forcesize' => true, 'scale' => 'outside'));
Change the "scale" parameter to "inside" and that should avoid the cropping.
6. You can remove the code:
foreach($data->cart->order_tax_info as $tax) {
$cartFooters[] = array(
'NAME' => $tax->tax_namekey,
'VALUE' => $currencyHelper->format($tax->tax_amount,$data->cart->order_currency_id)
if you want to remove that line of tax in the email.