I'm experiencing same issue after updated to 2.6.2...
All new display settings are configured correctly.
We got many products (~120) with many custom fields (~20)
~8 custom fields are linked to products only:
- field_categories: all ## field_products: ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,
~9 categories only:
- field_categories: ,20,21,22,23, ## field_products:
and 2 both:
- field_categories: ,24,25,26,27,28,29, ## field_products: ,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,10,
after some backtrace, i'm able to detect issue in:
-> $itemFields = $this->fieldsClass->getFields('display:field_item_invoice=1',$product,'item');
-> $this->getCategories($type, $data);
-> $this->getData($area, $type, false, $allCat);
who lead to a SQL with empty result
SELECT * FROM #__hikashop_field as a WHERE a.`field_published` = 1 AND a.`field_display` LIKE '%;field\_item\_shipping\_invoice=1;%' AND a.field_table='item' AND (a.field_access = 'all' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,8,%') AND ((((field_with_sub_categories=0 AND (field_categories="all" OR field_categories="" OR field_categories LIKE '%,28,%'))OR (field_with_sub_categories=1 AND (field_categories="all" OR field_categories="" OR field_categories LIKE '%,1,%' OR field_categories LIKE '%,2,%' OR field_categories LIKE '%,13,%' OR field_categories LIKE '%,28,%'))) AND field_products="") OR (field_products LIKE '%,52,%')) ORDER BY a.`field_ordering` ASC
If i remove all the were clause this works fine.
NB: I also noticed before updated, they were a possible value for field_products in hikashop_field: ",0,"