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You sure can pull the address from CB in a HS address.
For example, you could do that in the onBeforeOrderCreate(&$order, &$do) trigger in a custom plugin of the group hikashop.
In there, you could use such code to get the joomla id:
$user = hikashop_loadUser(true);
$id = $user->user_cms_id;
Then, you could call CB to load the address based on that ID, or with a MySQL query (you have to check with the support of CB about how to do that).
Once you have the address, you can create a new record in the table hikashop_address using $user->user_id as the user_id in the hikashop_address table and the data from CB for the other fields. You can use a MySQL query or the code of HikaShop like that:
$addressClass = hikashop_get('class.address');
$address_id = $addressClass->save($address);
And then you can use that address_id in the order like that:
$order->order_billing_address_id = $address_id;