-- HikaShop version -- : 4.3.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.18
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : 7.3.17
I bought the HikaShop Business Version 4.3.0 where I can change the E-Mail content.
I wanted to change the textcolors of the "order confirmation"-E-Mail from #1c8faf to black.
- I called HikaShop->System->E-Mails and selected "Order notification".
- In the field "HTML VERSION" I changed all textcolors from #1c8faf -> #000000.
- In the field "PRELOAD VERSION" I changed all textcolors from #1c8faf -> #000000.
- I saved everything and rechecked if everything was saved.
- I made a test-order, but the colors in the order-confirmation mail are still (hard coded) set to #1c8faf.
For me it looks that I did not change the color at the right place,
but from the results of searching through the forum it should be.
I found this in the forum:
Problems adding logo to invoices/emailsProblems adding logo to invoices/emails
Could you give me a hint what I did wrong and what I should do instead.
Thank You very much,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frédéric Espitalier