We print every order confirmation for order picking, the images make the emails a little harder to read. I've found that I can remove them by altering the "preload version" code. And I've found the piece of code that needs to be altered, but since I'm not really great at this I get syntax errors while trying to make a purchase on the webshop if I make changes to the code.
What should I remove to not display the images anymore?
$cartProduct = array(
'PRODUCT_CODE' => $item->order_product_code,
'PRODUCT_QUANTITY' => $item->order_product_quantity,
'PRODUCT_IMG' => '',
'item' => $item,
'product' => $product,
if(!empty($item->images[0]->file_path) && $config->get('thumbnail', 1) != 0) {
$img = $imageHelper->getThumbnail($item->images[0]->file_path, array(50, 50), array('forcesize' => true, 'scale' => 'outside'));
if($img->success) {
if(substr($img->url, 0, 3) == '../')
$image = str_replace('../', HIKASHOP_LIVE, $img->url);
$image = substr(HIKASHOP_LIVE, 0, strpos(HIKASHOP_LIVE, '/', 9)) . $img->url;
$attributes = '';
$attributes = ' width="'.$img->req_width.'" height="'.$img->req_height.'"';
$cartProduct['PRODUCT_IMG'] = '<img src="'.$image.'" alt="" style="float:left;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-right:6px;"'.$attributes.'/>';