There is no option for that.
However, what you can do is this:
- change the line:
$pageInfo->filter->filter_status = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase.".filter_status",'filter_status', '','array');
$pageInfo->filter->filter_status = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase.".filter_status",'filter_status',$config->get('default_order_status_on_order_listing', ''),'array');
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/order/view.html.php
- Then, open the table hikashop_config in your database and add an entry with the namekey default_order_status_on_order_listing and the value being the namekey of the order status you want to filter your orders listing by default.
That way, when you arrive on the orders listing it will be filtered by that order status by default.
We'll add that code modification on our end so that you won't loose it when you update your HikaShop.