The search is on a limited number of fields.
It searches on :
- the user id
- the user username
- the user name
- the user email address
- the order number
- the invoice number
- the order total amount
- the billing address firstname, lastname
- the coupon code
- the custom fields of the table "order"
I suppose that the text you're trying to search is not in one of these.
It's not because you add the display of the shipping address in the listing that the system will be able to search in it, for example.
In the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/order/view.html.php you have this line which defines the list of columns on which the search is done:
$searchMap = array('c.id','c.username','c.name','a.user_email','b.order_user_id','b.order_number','b.order_id','b.order_invoice_number','b.order_invoice_id','b.order_full_price','d.address_firstname','d.address_lastname', 'b.order_discount_code');
It would potentially be possible to search on more fields of the billing address by adding them to that code. But for the shipping address, it's not possible as the shipping address is not part of the MySQL query loading the orders on the page, as I was explaining in my first message on this thread.