1. It's not possible to eliminate that step. This is how PayPal Checkout works.
If you don't want it and want to revert to how it worked with the old PayPal plugin, the only solution is to use the old PayPal. Note that this old plugin will still work for the foreseeable future and PayPal didn't yet annonce a date for the removal of the API used by it.
2. I'm not sure what you mean. The cart will be cleared once the payment is made and the order is confirmed.
There are two things I can say though:
- in the HikaShop configuration, you have the setting "clear cart when order is", which you can set to "created". That way, the cart will be cleared once the user clicks on the "finish" button. That's actually how it is by default.
- if you have the "enable multiple carts" setting activated in your HikaShop configuration, and you're doing repeated tests, you might end up with several carts for your user account, all of them with the same stuff in it. Then, when the current cart is cleared at the end, HikaShop will automatically load the next cart as the new current cart, and that might lead you to believe that HikaShop didn't clear the cart when in fact it did.