1. The position of the coupon field on your checkout is changed by the CSS of your template.
The file /templates/r_glamour/custom/css-compiled/hydrogen_19.css has this CSS:
body .hikashop_checkout_page .hikashop_checkout_coupon {
display: block;
margin: 1rem 0;
float: right;
which forces the coupon area to hang there.
Since that CSS is compiled by your template, I'm not sure what's the best approach to change it in an effective manner. I would recommend contacting your template provider about this question.
2. The quantity missing from the cart icon also seem to be linked with the customization made by your template provider to the cart module. Renaming the file templates/r_glamour/html/com_hikashop/product/cart.php via FTP will deactivate the customization and it should work fine. However, you'll loose the customization... Again, that's an issue you should raise with your template provider.
3. The "Show cart" button is also something customized by your template provider. The default button displayed by HikaShop is called "proceed to checkout" and it handles the different languages, including Norwegian:
PROCEED_TO_CHECKOUT="Fortsett til kassen"
So I'm not sure if that button "Show cart" can be translated or how. You'll also have you check with your template provider.
Sorry for not being able to help on these.