On a few of my products, I'm having a price rounding problem. The saved price is not the one input by the the user.
I configured one of them at 35€ (in price with tax), but when I save, it turns into 34.99999516 (FYI, tax is 19.6)
On the front end, it does appear as 35.00€. When I proceed to checkout, it still appears as 35.00, but when I'm transferred to the payment gateway, the amount charged is 34.99.
This happens with the hikashop systempay module (French banks), and not with the paypal module.
I'm guessing the systempay module doesn't round up the price the way the paypal module does. But since the price stored in database is 34.99999516, it seems to me the problem is with the tax calculation, and not with this payment module, right? Is there anyway to force hikashop to save Exactly the price with tax input by the merchant?
It's the only problem preventing me from launching my site
Thanks in advance.
Hikashop 2.2.2
Joomla 2.5
PS: I've posted this on an archived topic, not sure if I should have, so I created a new one... apologies for the mess