Hi Mohamed,
I just wanted to followup, as I finally resolved the Order Status issue regarding my customers paying using EUR currency.
What was happening is that my merchant account on the paypal sandbox had its profile set to ASK if payments were received in a different currency than the currency held. When I looked at the transactions for this account I saw that all the test payments that I sent in EUR were all in Unclaimed status, and there is a drop down button to accept or deny the payment. When I accepted one of these payments, the notification was sent and Hikashop immediately changed the status to confirmed and sent the email to the customer.
After that I went into the profile and changed it to accept and convert EUR payments to USD automatically. After that I tried another purchase in Hikashop using EUR. It was accepted and converted automatically and Hikashop changed the status automatically from created to confirmed just like orders done in USD.
So in the end Hikashop was correct in not changing the order status to confirmed yet because the payment was not completed on Paypal yet.
However, just out of curiosity I tried a few other things to get the payment log that you originally mentioned. I noticed that in Hikashop configuration, the payment log file was set to media/com_hikashop/upload/safe/logs/report_630965280.log. I added a text file with this name to the logs directory but still did not get anything written to the file (with paypal payment plugin set to debug on). I also tried creating a report.log text file, adding that to the logs directory and setting the Hikashop configuration payment log file to this file, and still no logs. I set the permissions for the entire path (all directories and the log files themselves) to 777 - except the subfolder of the entire website because if this folder is set to 777 I get a server error for the site, so I reset it to 755 to avoid the server error - but still no logs. Any idea why I cannot get these payment logs?