nicolas wrote: Hi,
The issue I think is that you don't have any shipping method selection on your checkout because HikaShop couldn't find any shipping method. That's why it doesn't let you finish the order.
You should normally see an error message on the checkout but it seems that your joomla template is not displaying error messages:
Thank you for your response nicolas. I think I see what you are saying. There is no button to click under where it says Shipping Method. However, Hikashop IS selecting the correct shipping method depending on the order total. I have configured it to charge as follows:
$ 0.01 - $10.00 = $2.99
$10.01 - $20.00 = $4.99
$20.01 - $30.00 = $5.99
$30.01 - $40.00 = $6.99
$40.01 - $70.00 = $8.99
$70.01 - $100.00 = $9.99
$100.00+ + FREE SHIPPING
It works too! if you add items to the cart it calculates correctly. Also you can see at the bottom of the page it says "you chose shipping method: $xx.xx to xx.xx
However there it no button to select as there is for the paypal (which is also default and the only option).Why is there no button to select shipping method when it's obviously working correctly?
<jdoc:include type="message" /> is included in my template, and messages do show up. (Just not regarding this issue.)