Yes. Check will work. However, when the checkout is complete it displays the cost and tells them to send a check.
Your order is now complete.
You can now send us a check with the amount of $5.00 using the following information.
We will finish processing this order via phone or email. Any items with prices marked "Contact Us" will be added to your total once we have a chance to discuss pricing with you. Thank You for your order.
Do not forget to include the order number ( F5 ) on the back of the check so that we can match it to your order.
Thank you for your purchase.
I also tried the Collect on Delivery Payment Plugin and that one also displays information we don't want
Your order is now complete.
The amount of $5.00 will be collected upon delivery of your order (E4)
Thank you for your purchase.
How can I change the text that is automatically output on checkout for the Check plugin or the Collect on Delivery plugin???
Related Question: We also want to set up this payment method(Contact Us payment) as the only option given to people ordering internationally. What is the best way to set this up? Can Hikashop handle this functionality?
So when they enter a shipping address that is out of the US or Canada then their payment option defaults to this option only.