still cannot get the shipping price to add to the cart. I've also created a new payment methods and added a flat $5 charge and that doesn't show either.
Can you show me how did you configured your shipping method and checkout workflow ("Hikashop->System->Configuration->Checkout") through some screenshots ?
when you click the checkout button it refreshes the screen and updates the amount instead of completing the sale and you have to click on the button a second time to finish the sale. Is there an Ajax setting required somewhere?
The solution will probably just be to change the value of the "Auto submit shipping and payment methods selection" option through "Hikashop->System->Configuration->Checkout"
Further to this I changed the setting to automatically submit the shipping and payment methods. The payment fee now gets added into the cart the first time you select it but if the user then selects a different payment method the amount from the first selection is not removed.
Can you give me more information about that issue through some screenshots for example ?