The payment log file is empty and seems to stays like that.
In my plugin, I do log activity to a file , so I'm quite sure the onPaymentNotification() was not called when the payment gateway jumped to the url I was giving this way:
HIKASHOP_LIVE.'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&task=after_end&order_id='.$invoiceID . $this->url_itemid
(invoiceID being the order_id).
So I give always the same url to jump back to, whatever the payment processor result:
$success_url = HIKASHOP_LIVE.'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&&task=notify¬if_payment=' .
$this->name . '&tmpl=component&order_id='.
$order->order_id .
'&lang='.$this->locale .
$this->url_itemid . '&src=callback'
I added the "src=callback" parameter, so I know my notification function is being called back after jumping to the payment processor website, and not as an IPN asynchronous notification.
Then, as the processor posts back a "status" code (error, cancel or success), I can react (modifyOrder) and then redirect ("location:" header) to any page I want, which are now parameterized urls in the plugin configuration.
Works like a charm (at least seems to).
So, IPN style notifications are not necessary, but always possible and handled.
Hope this will remain rock solid; do you think anything may be wrong with that ?