Every thing was OK but now my customer want to connect from paypal to produce invoices automatically when making payment. They give me some code for Woo commerce customers and instructions for Wordpress but not for Joomla. This is the code I get and for Woocommerce I have to input it in the valid-paypal-standard-ipn- of woocommerce:
//send paypal ipn request to Rivhit
add_action( "valid-paypal-standard-ipn-request",
'rivhit_valid_paypal_standard_ipn_request', 10, 1;(
function rivhit_valid_paypal_standard_ipn_request($post}(
$logger = new WC_Logger;()
$logger->add('rivhit', 'Valid PayPal IPN received;('
$logger->add('rivhit', '$_POST: ' . print_r($post, true;((
$received_values = stripslashes_deep( $post;(
$params = array)
'body' => $received_values,
'sslverify' => false,
'timeout' => 60
$rivhit_target =
$logger->add('rivhit', "Sending to rivhit:\nURL: " . $rivhit_target . "\nParams: " .
print_r($params, true;((
$response = wp_remote_post( $rivhit_target , $params;(
$logger->add('rivhit', "Response: " . print_r($response, true;( (
I really don't know where I have to put this. They need to change the URL notification so they can make invoices automatically. Is that something we can do in Hikashop?