First, when you have an issue with a plugin ; it's good to continue in a thread which have the same subject... But you have to use a thread with the same subject : which is talking about the same payment plugin for example.
So posting in a thread which was talking about the "paypal advanced" plugin was not very helpful ; so we moved your message to a new topic.
First at all, the SagePay plugin in HikaShop is using SagePay protocol 3 since several months.
You just have to take a look in our changelog to see that.
You will also find several thread in that forum of people asking that same question about the SagePay protocol.
Your issue is related to a missing argument : "crypt".
That argument should be passed in the URL but it looks like there is no argument at all..
So the plugin can't even validate the order is know which order id you're trying to validate.
That crypt parameter contains all required data, so if the parameter is not there or not valid ; the plugin can't work.
Now it could be useful to know the full url of the page, in order to understand why that "crypt" parameter is no available in the plugin.
About the warning for the lines 221 and 224 ; I fixed them in HikaShop. Next release will contains the patches.
For the moment you can add the line
$this->app = JFactory::getApplication();
just before the line 224 and for the line 221 you can replace
$cancel_url = $httpsHikashop.'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=cancel_order'.$this->url_itemid;
$cancel_url = $httpsHikashop.'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=cancel_order';