They are an additional $ 41 just for the plugin, ideally Hikashop bussines have it natively to avoid problems of compatibility with new versions of Hikashop. The other e-commerce platforms and bring joomla natively.
I work with Virtuemart and wanted to buy Hikashop Bussines because I see it easier to handle, but I charge with 2Checkout and virtuemart brings it included in your package installation as well as other just to mention a few:
Virtuemart, Joomshoping, DJ Classifieds, Woocomerce, Oscomerce, Redshop, opencart, Akeba Suscripcions, mijoshop, Osemenbership. Among many other more.
2Checkout is one of the platforms best known payment and better reliability that exist, besides that you can pay by credit card or paypal in one payment method, so say it is incredible that this date Hikashop not included in your installation package this method of payment so important.
I'll buy hikashop Bussines until this payment method comes in the package installation Hikashop Bussines, because I do not trust third-party extensions to manage my money, and I say this from my own experience.