-- HikaShop version -- : 2.6.3
Hi HikaShop Team,
Due to a (solved) question in the German corner
, I'd like to propose a small improvement in the SOFORT payment plugin for inclusion with one of the next HikaShop versions.
Thankfully, almost all text strings use language constants, allowing simple translation/replacement. Except one or two, which are seemingly "left-overs" in Dutch language.
Proposed change:
In /plugins/hikashoppayment/sofort/sofort.php change line 55 from
$order_text = "\r\n".JText::sprintf('betaling Feeen en ridders: order ',$order->order_id);
to e.g.
$order_text = "\r\n".JText::sprintf('SOFORT_PAYMENT_PURPOSE',$order->order_id);
and include a line in the English language file as default, such as
SOFORT_PAYMENT_PURPOSE="Payment for order %s"
I think it would also be nice to change line 159 in the same file from
$element->payment_description = 'Betalen met Credit card';
to e.g.
$element->payment_description = 'Pay with SOFORT';
or similar in English.
I haven't looked for more, but the above would be of good help for users outside the Dutch language regions.
Thanks for consideration!