Thanks Nicolas for your answer,
Please forget this pb of spam tag, it should have no relation with my Paypal invalid response pb.
This morning on a test command with payment the situation is normal again...but I will like to understand why sometimes (this WE) I have many "Paypal Invald response".
I followed the Debug procedure, probably with a mistake because after this morning command test I can find any log file in [media/com_hikashop/upload/safe/]
There is no "log" folder, only a picture ? and an .htaccess (deny for all)
I had activate the debug optin in the paypal plugin, and allow to my "safe" folder the permission 777. I don't have the log for this morning test command?
That file will only be created if the debug mode of the paypal plugin is turned on and if joomla can create the folder/file in the safe folder. So via FTP, make sure that the safe folder can be written (you can change its permissions to 777).
Then, next time you receive the error email, you should be able to see the debug data in the payment log.
What did I forget ?
Ps edit : today all the command re came with the
invalid response again but payment on Paypal OK
! Should it come from a problem of our email, host disponibility...,
Thanks for your help and solutions