-- HikaShop version -- : 2.3.4
-- Joomla version -- : 3.4.8
On July 31st 2016, payment entries in the order history stopped including the full details of the IPN message and now only contain the Transaction ID. Did Paypal change something, so the details are no longer sent or saved correctly? Is there a fix for this? Is there a fix without upgrading? I have customized by version of hikashop, so upgrading would be quite painful.
Example old history_data
[option] => com_hikashop
[ctrl] => checkout
[task] => notify
[notif_payment] => paypal
[tmpl] => component
[lang] => en
[Itemid] => 139
[mc_gross] => 3.99 . . .
Example new history_data
PayPal transaction id: 9LD08383H6293611R
Is there an api for retrieving the details from paypal? I use the details for some custom reporting.