So some sort of ETA would be nice, or if it's not going to be developed at all as a native Hikashop plugin then please tell us so that we can at least look at alternatives.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, as we said, the development is actually in progress but it's true that we should have kept you updated about its advancement.
Just to let you know that we now have a first version which only support the "Pay with card" for the moment.
What's left to do is :
- Support digital wallets like "Apple Pay" and "Master Pass" (in progress)
- Have an internal language system which will enable you to properly translate and customize the Square payment form texts.
- Correctly redirect the customer to the thank you / error page
- Optimize some part of the plugin code.
Again, we'll keep on improving the Square payment plugin so that we can complete it as soon as possible !
And if it's taking too long we'll at least release a first version which will support the "Pay with card" payment option.
Best regards,
Mohamed Thelji.
Tsuki Dev