Hello Julie,
Thank you so much for your feedback !
However it still needs some area to add some text or an image to the top of the page where the cc details are entered to tell the customer they are using a secure Square payment gateway. Or have the cc area in a popup maybe? Or put the cart contents on the page also.
Putting the Hikashop cart on that page will be hard as Hikashop won't allow that without huge customization.
We actually planned to add a translation Key at the beginning and end of the page so that merchant will just have to add their custom text / image (in html) using these translation key via "Hikashop->System->Configuration->Languages"
We'll probably add it through the next Square version !
For more information about language translation :
It still ignores the location ID and process all payments to the Square owner account
You're right, the location ID wasn't actually used through their developer documentation to take payments so we'll try to research if we still can use it, else we'll remove the configuration option "location ID".
How do I remove the requirement to enter the postal code? This is practically never used in regular payment gateways and as its noted as just "POSTAL" it will confuse the user. Postal what? Postal address? Postal code? Zip code?
We actually had a "disable postal code" field in previous version of Square which was creating a lot of issue as they want that field to be displayed, so we removed it on that version.
We'll do some research to find a way to not display postal code !
Best regards,
Mohamed Thelji.
Tsuki Dev