**Extending HikaShop**
- More than 60 FREE payment plugins to handle online credit card payments including:
Paypal Standard, Pro and Express Checkout, Google Checkout, Authorize.net with AIM, SIM and DPM, Moneybookers, Bluepaid, EPay, SagePay, Payment Express, Payza, eWAY, SIPS ATOS, SIPS ATOS v2, CM-CIC, HSBC CPI, iVeri, PayJunction, ServiRed, Innovative Gateay Intuit, CardSave, RBS Business and Global Gateway, AliPay, MIGS (for Bendigo, Commweb and ANZ egate), OKPay, VirtualMerchant, iPayDNA, PostFinance, PayBox, Ogone, Amazon FPS, CECA, eSelect/Moneris, Stripe, BitPay etc
It's the same with a lot of integrations we talk about in the description there:
- Integration with Community Builder and JomSocial for orders listing in user's own profile
- Integration with XMAP, OSMap and MapX for site map
- Integration with Joomla's breadcrumb and search module
- Integration with sh404SEF and Joomla's SEF systems
- Integrations available for hundreds of other systems, extensions and third party services (accounting software, ERPs, shipping tracking, subscription systems, payment gateways, shipping platforms, etc)
Most of them are not included by default in HikaShop. We're just saying that they are available.