every time a new order is placed through Paypal I receive a notification with the subject
"Paypal payment notification: payment completed for order XXX"
it's a simple html email with no template, as far as I see it's not in in the "emails" list
which I can manually disable in Hikashop configs
I guess this is coming directly form the paypal payment plugin, infact I have "allow notification" set to yes there
but in your documentation you say to let that setting on "yes" (see
otherwise Paypal won't autoconfirm orders that ave been paid
Allow payment notifications from PayPal : That option should stay on unless you don't want that PayPal confirms automatically the orders on your website so that you can do it manually yourself.
So is there a way to turn off this kind of notifications without affecting the auto-confirmation of paid orders?
I am already receiving orders notifications form Hikashop,
and I'd like to keep emails to administrators as low as possible to avoid confusion
thank you