Unfortunatelly as you said, in the second part of your message, you can't have a command with 2 payment methods, basically in any cart extensions, that's impossible.
But, let's detail a method to have an another way, and this time without warehouses, follow me step by step :
=> In your payment method, you can use weight and dimension restriction, right ?
1. Separate your product in 2 group
- Pay with point possible => Give them some weight entries as 100 gr and a dimension as 20 cm (by example) in their setting page
- Pay with point impossible => Give them some weight entries as 50 gr and dimensions entries as 10 cm in their setting page
2. In your payment method :
- Pay with point method : Restrict only for products with weight (through a minimum weight 100 gr & Dimension minimum 20 cm)
- Classic payment method : Restrict only for products with dimensions (always through a maximum 50 gr and a maximum dimension 10 cm)
- Reproduce the classic payment method : With same restrictions as pay with point method (the clone, for let to your user to use or not his points)
=> Results :
if a user pick a product for pay with point only, then he will have the choice among pay with point & classic payment (the clone).
if a user pick a product for classic payment method only, then he will have the choice among classic payments (if you have several).
Now, if he reach the Cart with 1 product from each of this "categories", no payment method will be display, and the user in this specific case have to make 2 orders.
That's the only solution we can offer you so far, sorry for this return.