We never had restriction of the payment methods to the products. That's because HikaShop is a shopping cart system.
And thus, the customer can pay for several products at the same type.
If he has products with payment methods restricted to different payment methods, then it would mean that we would have to block the user from paying carts with products with different payment methods as you can only have one payment method for one order at the end of the checkout. So usually, you don't want that.
Now if you still want to do that, that's possible. You'll have to modify the payment plugins you want to use to add to them an extra option to select the products / categories in the backend, and check on that option's restriction during the checkout in the onPaymentDisplay function of the plugin.
The payment plugins code is located in the plugins/hikashoppayment/ of your website.
Note that if you modify directly the payment plugins and that these are payment plugins included by default in HikaShop, you'll loose your changes when you update HikaShop. So it's better to change the name of the plugin (in the xml, the filenames, the class name, the code, etc). That way, you can use your modified payment plugin instead of the default one and you won't have issues with updates.