It would be good to name it correctly in your plugin, to avoid confusion.
It is not "secret ID" but Autentification Key.
In their developer documentation they actually called it secret ID when we developed it, but if customers have a different name, we will change it through the next version of the plugin.
Thank you for your feedback.
Test with Postfinance checkout (test mode):
- Order creation OK, redirection to payment OK, redirection after payment not OK, on homepage, no confirmation message.
- Shopping cart not emptied, with still the product.
- Order confirmed on admin side.
- No email sent (but email in email logs).
I did a test of the contact form I have on the site, the email is sent by the server, so everything is OK on the Joomla side for that.
In that case can you :
- Enable the "Debug" option through your Hikashop PostFinance configuration page
- Test it again
- Send us an email with a temporary access to your back-end via tsukidev.contact[at]gmail[dot]com
Thank you.