Why do you think there was an error at all ?
For the user, completing the purchase is a one-step process:
- The customer submits the order (including their credit card information)
- Hikashop creates the Hikashop Order
- Hikashop sends the Creation Notice
- Hikashop contacts Stripe for payment confirmation
- (on success) Hikashop changes the status of the order to completed
- Hikashop sends the Payment Notice
- Hikashop triggers our custom processes
- Finally, the browser displays the thank you page
There's no point where the user can "decide" to halt the process (producing our symptoms) once the purchase is submitted other than to quit their browser at precisely the right instant (between 3 & 4). As a customer, I've never been able to deliberately reproduce this behavior. The fact that neither system logs the exchange between HikaShop and Stripe in these instances is most definitely a problem, and the fact that Stripe never records even being contacted at all implies that the problem happens on our end of that exchange.
If it happened during our custom processing, we'd have a confirmed order but not any of the records our plugin creates - which means that it's before step 7.
If it happened between steps 4 & 7, there should be Stripe log entries - which means that it's before step 4.
We have completed Order records and Creation Notices - which means that it's between steps 3 & 4.
Neither customer reported an issue, so I assume they either blew through an error display or saw the Thank You page (Although I'm sure how they would have gotten there without payment).
Thanks for the Reminder plugin suggestion. I will suggest it to our Client. I have worked with custom email settings from Hikashop before: Could the plugin allow us to send this notice to the admin only?
I'll test allowing customers to return to their unpaid orders and completing the process, to see if the flow works for our Client.