Umleitungsfehler - Nach der Bestellung keine Funktion von Paypal

  • Posts: 18
  • Thank you received: 0
  • Hikashop Business
1 month 2 weeks ago #365568

-- HikaShop version -- : 5.1.3
-- Joomla version -- : 5.2.3
-- PHP version -- : 8.4.2-nmm1
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Firefox
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : Use one of the payment buttons below for your payment of 43,74 €.

Guten Tag,
ich habe jetzt schon mehreres probiert, aber leider funktioniert es noch immer nicht.
Browserwechsel nützt nix, PHP-Version hochgesetzt - keine Veränderung

Wenn ich ein Produkt kauf und als Zahlungsmethode PayPal Checkout auswähle und auf Kaufen klicke, werde ich nicht zu Paypal weitergeleitet.
Woran könnte es liegen? Bitte um Ihre Hilfe.

Als Zahlungsmethode arbeite ich zum Test noch mit der Paypal Sandbox.

Bitte um Ihre Hilfe.
Vielen Dank.

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  • Posts: 83487
  • Thank you received: 13508
1 month 2 weeks ago #365570


What I can see on your website seems similar to:
Basically, the PayPal payment buttons don't appear on the end page because you're using your live PayPal account credentials with the sandbox server.
You need to create specific sandbox credentials and use these in the payment method settings if you want to use the sandbox.

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  • Posts: 18
  • Thank you received: 0
  • Hikashop Business
1 month 2 weeks ago #365572

Können Sie mir bitte erklären, wie genau ich das machen muss?
Ich habe darin leider noch überhaupt keine Erfahrung.
Vielen Dank.

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  • Posts: 83487
  • Thank you received: 13508
1 month 2 weeks ago #365574


Here are the instructions provided by PayPal to create sandbox credentials:

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  • Posts: 18
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  • Hikashop Business
1 month 2 weeks ago #365622

ich habe es laut Anleitung erstellt.
Jetzt wird mir allerdings nur die Zahlungsmöglichkeit mit Kreditkarte angezeigt:
Allerdings wollte ich, das der Kunde beim Bezahlen zu Paypal weitergeleitet wird.
Was muss ich da noch einstellen?

Entschuldigung, für die vielen Fragen, aber seit der Neuerung habe ich Paypal noch nicht wieder eingerichtet.
Thank you for your help.

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  • Posts: 83487
  • Thank you received: 13508
1 month 2 weeks ago #365623


I checked your website and I didn't get any payment buttons at the end of the checkout.
It's probably a problem with how you configured your PayPal Checkout payment method.
For example, if you configure the payment method with the sandbox setting activated and you provide live credentials, the payment buttons won't appear at the end of your checkout.

There is no redirection to PayPal anymore. The payment buttons are normally displayed directly on the last page of your checkout.

If you don't know what you did wrong and you want us to help you more precisely, please provide:
- screenshots of the settings of your PayPal Checkout payment method
- activate the "debug" setting of the payment method and try a payment again. Then, provide a copy of the "payment log file" you can find under the main tab of the HikaShop configuration page:
With both, we'll be able to tell you what is missing.

Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation.

  • Posts: 18
  • Thank you received: 0
  • Hikashop Business
1 month 2 weeks ago #365640

Good morning.
Ich habe zum konfigurieren der Paypal-Checkout Zahlungsmethode ein Sandboxkonto verwendet und davon auch die Daten angegeben.
Anbei ein Screenshot von der Konfigurationsseite.
Das Sandboxkonto sieht wie folgt aus und eine Kreditkartenzahlung hat auch geklappt.
Jedoch zeigt es mir keinen Paypal-Zahl-Button an. Die Zahlungsschaltfläche wird mir trotz Verwendung einen Sandboxkontos nicht angezeigt.

Anbei die Fehlermeldungen der letzten Bestellungen:

02.04.25 14:41:34

    [error] => invalid_client
    [error_description] => Client Authentication failed

02.04.25 14:41:34 - error

Client Authentication failed
02.04.25 14:42:14

    [error] => invalid_client
    [error_description] => Client Authentication failed

02.04.25 14:56:34

    [error] => invalid_client
    [error_description] => Client Authentication failed

02.06.25 13:38:13

    [error] => invalid_client
    [error_description] => Client Authentication failed

02.07.25 09:44:49

    [error] => invalid_client
    [error_description] => Client Authentication failed

02.07.25 09:46:15

    [error] => invalid_client
    [error_description] => Client Authentication failed

02.07.25 10:00:17

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 208
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25208
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:00:17

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 10:04:00

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 209
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25209
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => Glühweinpaket „rut un weiß“ 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => 2020-05
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 24.19
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 4.60
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 34.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 24.19
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 4.60
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:04:00

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 10:09:57

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 210
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25210
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:09:57

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 10:12:42

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 211
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25211
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:12:42

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 10:19:14

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 212
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25212
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:19:14

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 10:21:10

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 213
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25213
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:21:10

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 10:24:35

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 214
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25214
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:24:35

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 10:51:21

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 215
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25215
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Sommerfrische"-Paket
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1756
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 15.79
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 3.00
                                            [currency_code] => EUR


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => Glühweinpaket „rut un weiß“ 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => 2020-05
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 24.19
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 4.60
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 53.53
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 39.98
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 7.60
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:51:21

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 10:52:05

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => BILLING

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 216
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25216
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 10:52:05

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.07.25 11:06:35

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => BILLING

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 217
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25217
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.07.25 11:06:35

    [client-id] => BAA4bwrXKk_0_tQjDpMEgPHd3NlcHlqz8OOS4_DyxSqquh0CLsWmB7ErCVsHxNMNjDB18sf95dyJZ33_tg
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [disable-funding] => card
    [enable-funding] => credit,paylater,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.11.25 14:41:06

    [error] => invalid_client
    [error_description] => Client Authentication failed

02.11.25 14:44:05

    [error] => invalid_client
    [error_description] => Client Authentication failed

02.11.25 14:44:05 - error

Client Authentication failed
02.12.25 09:20:01

stdClass Object
    [intent] => CAPTURE
    [application_context] => stdClass Object
            [shipping_preference] => NO_SHIPPING
            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell
            [cancel_url] =>
            [landing_page] => NO_PREFERENCE

    [payer] => stdClass Object
            [email_address] =>

    [purchase_units] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [invoice_id] => 224
                    [description] => Bestellnummer A25224
                    [items] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                    [quantity] => 1
                                    [sku] => Item 1774
                                    [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR



                    [amount] => stdClass Object
                            [value] => 43.74
                            [currency_code] => EUR
                            [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                    [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 31.76
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 6.03
                                            [currency_code] => EUR

                                    [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                            [value] => 5.95
                                            [currency_code] => EUR






02.12.25 09:20:01

    [client-id] => AbDyCqVTSlL_P7zrqi49i9x1DbnsgIFJ4WcPSpA64lEZWl5DPvKdim5fsMsFZDqmHXcJSeoqTcSE6WOE
    [integration-date] => 2024-05-19
    [currency] => EUR
    [components] => buttons,funding-eligibility,messages,hosted-fields
    [enable-funding] => card,credit,paylater,venmo,bancontact,blik,eps,giropay,ideal,mercadopago,mybank,p24,sepa,multibanco,trustly
    [intent] => capture
    [debug] => true

02.12.25 09:22:30

"intent": "CAPTURE",
"application_context": {
"shipping_preference": "NO_SHIPPING",
"brand_name": "Sachsenland-Fruchtquell",
"cancel_url": "https:\/\/\/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=cancel_order&order_id=224&Itemid=660",
"landing_page": "NO_PREFERENCE"
"payer": {
"email_address": ""
"purchase_units": [
"invoice_id": 224,
"description": "Bestellnummer A25224",
"items": [
"name": "\"Rosining\" Ros\u00e9gl\u00fchwein (vegan) 6x1l",
"quantity": 1,
"sku": "Item 1774",
"unit_amount": {
"value": "31.76",
"currency_code": "EUR"
"tax": {
"value": "6.03",
"currency_code": "EUR"
"amount": {
"value": "43.74",
"currency_code": "EUR",
"breakdown": {
"item_total": {
"value": "31.76",
"currency_code": "EUR"
"tax_total": {
"value": "6.03",
"currency_code": "EUR"
"shipping": {
"value": "5.95",
"currency_code": "EUR"
02.12.25 09:22:32

PayPalHttp\HttpResponse Object
    [statusCode] => 201
    [result] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 9R626753JK168413X
            [intent] => CAPTURE
            [status] => CREATED
            [purchase_units] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [reference_id] => default
                            [amount] => stdClass Object
                                    [currency_code] => EUR
                                    [value] => 43.74
                                    [breakdown] => stdClass Object
                                            [item_total] => stdClass Object
                                                    [currency_code] => EUR
                                                    [value] => 31.76

                                            [shipping] => stdClass Object
                                                    [currency_code] => EUR
                                                    [value] => 5.95

                                            [tax_total] => stdClass Object
                                                    [currency_code] => EUR
                                                    [value] => 6.03



                            [payee] => stdClass Object
                                    [email_address] =>
                                    [merchant_id] => 7FPKP2PMHX6H8
                                    [display_data] => stdClass Object
                                            [brand_name] => Sachsenland-Fruchtquell


                            [description] => Bestellnummer A25224
                            [invoice_id] => 224
                            [items] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => "Rosining" Roséglühwein (vegan) 6x1l
                                            [unit_amount] => stdClass Object
                                                    [currency_code] => EUR
                                                    [value] => 31.76

                                            [tax] => stdClass Object
                                                    [currency_code] => EUR
                                                    [value] => 6.03

                                            [quantity] => 1
                                            [sku] => Item 1774




            [payer] => stdClass Object
                    [email_address] =>

            [create_time] => 2025-02-12T08:22:31Z
            [links] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [href] =>
                            [rel] => self
                            [method] => GET

                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [href] =>
                            [rel] => approve
                            [method] => GET

                    [2] => stdClass Object
                            [href] =>
                            [rel] => update
                            [method] => PATCH

                    [3] => stdClass Object
                            [href] =>
                            [rel] => capture
                            [method] => POST



    [headers] => Array
            [] => 
            [content-type] => application/json
            [content-length] => 1282
            [date] => Wed, 12 Feb 2025 08
            [access-control-expose-headers] => Server-Timing
            [application_id] => APP-80W284485P519543T
            [cache-control] => max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
            [caller_acct_num] => 7FPKP2PMHX6H8
            [paypal-debug-id] => 8cc9a168a9807
            [server-timing] => traceparent;desc="00-00000000000000000008cc9a168a9807-a768f267365c98cf-01"
            [traceparent] => 00-00000000000000000008cc9a168a9807-f06cabb9560a3910-01
            [vary] => Accept-Encoding
            [http_x_pp_az_locator] => ccg18.slc
            [strict-transport-security] => max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains


Last edit: 1 month 2 weeks ago by nicolas.

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1 month 2 weeks ago #365641


Thanks for the details.
So based on all of this and what I can see on your website at the moment, everything is configured properly.
The problem comes from your template. It has CSS code which hides the PayPal buttons area.
In the file there is the CSS code:

.visible {
    opacity: 0 !important;
which forces PayPal's area to be transparent...

That's something you need to report to your template provider. It's a big problem, not only for HikaShop, but any ecommerce solution which integrates with PayPal Checkout. They need to fix this in their template because PayPal won't change the way they do things.

I can see that in they have CSS code like this:
.visible {
    opacity: 1 !important;
So maybe they are aware of the problem and they tried to counter the CSS of the animate library with that CSS ?
However, the nexus.min.css is loaded before the animate.min.css file in the headers of the page so the animate library has priority.
They would have to change the order of loading these CSS files so that their nexus.min.css file is loaded after the animate.min.css file for their opacity:1 override to be taken into account.

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  • Hikashop Business
1 month 2 weeks ago #365642


ich habe bei beiden CSS-Dateien den CSS Code jetzt umgestellt:
.visible{opacity:visible!important} bzw. .visible{opacity:1!important}

Die Reihenfolge wie die Dateien geladen werden, kann ich leider nicht anpassen. Bzw. habe ich darüber keine Kenntnisse. Es tut mir leid.

Aber der Paypal-Zahlungsbutton ist nur kurz sichtbar und danach direkt wieder verschwunden. :-(

Außerdem habe ich mich zusätzlich seoeben mit Ihrer Bitte an den Support von Joomla51 gewendet.

Last edit: 1 month 2 weeks ago by metzlermedia.

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1 month 2 weeks ago #365643


You did good to contact your template provider. They have to fix it in the template.
The information I provided with the CSS code is so that you can provide them with it so that they know what is the problem and what they need to fix.
I'm also not familiar with how your template is developed by them. So while I can easily point at the problem, it is a lot harder to provide the correct fix.

Last edit: 1 month 2 weeks ago by nicolas.

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