-- HikaShop version -- : 3.2.3
I would like to set up default value for product custom field. These will be limited on the bases of other custom value.
I wanted to use as field type wysiwyg editor, text area or owen text to be able to display the value on frontend and put there some HTML code (picures, link ect.).
I want to setup up default value which include HTML, but the value is not saved. Only text without HTML is possible to save.
When I keep the default value empty and fill in the field when the product is editing, is possilbe to save it. It will take many times to fill in all again and again for each product, I wanted to use default value, which will be valid for group of products.
See, how the field is setup in attachement and also you can see the page, where it is used, but must be put directly to product page and not as default value of custom field.
I tried to change editor but nothing is changed, even I use codeMiror editor.
Debug mode is turned on and sytems errors too. I see the mistakes only in the file with language.
Could you help me to fix the problem?