verzevoul wrote: Oh this is a dissaster.
Agreed: this is a disaster.
In case of applying a watermark at a later point in time (as in the OP's case), or for mass imports of products and their images, or after the the slightest change of thumb dimensions in the system configuration (as maybe in @verzevouls's case), the watermark feature becomes completely useless, no matter if it's about 5 or 5,000 images.
So, yes, it's mandatory for watermarking to work every time thumbs are being generated, not only on initial upload.
The "original" image, eventually "resized on upload", is a different animal, of course -- obviously that'll have to remain as per initial upload, unless (mass-)replaced e.g. after some external (batch) processing.
Anyway, Nicolas & Co, unless you can think of an easy alternative way, please make watermarking part of any thumb generation -- thank you.