I was able to hide the "add to cart" button on the product page based on specific category and the sub-categories of this.
So I edited the view: product / quantity.php
On line 133 is this section <!-- ADD TO CART BUTTON --> where I added my code
$class = hikashop_get('class.category');
$categories = $class->getChildren(16, true, array(), '', 0, 500); //Category: Services (id:16)
foreach($categories as $category) {
if($category->category_id == $this->row->category_id){
$add_to_cart = false;
This is working, but I have a small problem with the products that have variants.
When showing the first variant it's all good, but when I change the characteristic to display the price of the second variant, a new "add to cart" button show up, in a section called <!-- PRICE WITH OPTIONS -->
Where is this button, in which view? Is this in a js file?