Most elements are already explained in my previous message
In HikaShop listing we added a feature called "height consistency" which allow a script to set the same height to every cells in a same listing.
But even if the script is executed when the page has finish to load, if the images are not visible ; the height that the script will see won't be the final one and it will force a wrong height to every cells.
You have, for an unknown reason, the "check consistency" processed while images are not visible yet.
Maybe there are some javascript ; maybe a special CSS rule.
But the missing gap you have in your screenshot really indicate that the check of the height has been made while the images are not visible.
Now you can see to replace in the "media/com_hikashop/js/hikashop.js" file
if(window.hikaVotes && typeOf(initVote) == 'function')
if(window.hikaVotes && typeOf(initVote) == 'function')
setTimeout(function(){ window.hikashop.checkConsistency() }, 500);
to not do the check consitency just after the page is load but 500ms after that.. (or more waiting time).