I have to setup a shop that sells products whose prices change based on a timetable and would like to understand if there's an easy way to do it.
The shop sells fruits.
Each product can be bought even before the seed get planted so to have the maximum discount on final fruit.
So, for example, if the strawberries will be planted on 1st of April, till that date their cost will be 1 euro.
Then, after from the 2nd of April till the next 2 weeks, the strawberries's price will be 2 euros.
And so on, for third and forfth week, the price should be 3 euors.
At the end, the real strawberries will cost 5 euros.
Morevoer, each type of fruits has 3 weight varinats: 1kg - 5kg - 10kg
So, for the moment, I've planned to create a product for each step of the process, define a time range when the product is published and added 3 variants for the weights.
Is quite complex and I'm wondering if there is a better and easier solution that doesn't require to create so many products. (If the number of steps of the process increases to 12 this can be a mess with 12 different productfor each fruit).
Thanx in advance! 
In the attachement a simple table with the price for just one fruit.