Hi Nicolas,
Im sorry for my late response. I wasnt able to work on, but have some time again.
I managed to get a seperate block for my cusom fields.
The text fields work great. I have to uncheck the back-end view on the field for it not to show in the custom fields, but they are working correctly.
I have one problem and that is with a input="radio" field.
I created a custom field "inbraak" which is a boolean field type..
I cant seem to get that one working.
This is what i have:
<dl id="hikashop_product_inbraak" class="hika_options">
<dt class="hikashop_product_inbraak"><label>Inbraak</label></dt>
<input type="radio" name="data[product][inbraak]" value="1" id="inbraak_1" <?php if($this->product->inbraak == 1){echo 'checked="checked"';} ?> onchange="window.hikashop.toggleField(this.value,'inbraak','product',0);"><span>Ja</span>
<input type="radio" name="data[product][inbraak]" value="0" id="inbraak_0" <?php if($this->product->inbraak == 0){echo 'checked="checked"';} ?> onchange="window.hikashop.toggleField(this.value,'inbraak','product',0);"><span>Nee</span>
When i turn the backend view to "on" in the field settings it works. But then it also shows in the custom fields area. Once i turn it to "off" it doesnt seem to want to work.
Do you have any suggestions for me?