1. This is because of the CSS of your template.
It must force the width of the thumbnails to 100% of the space available.
So it will require some CSS code to be added to be able to counter that.
What CSS code to use precisely will depend on what CSS is there.
Ideally we would need a link to the page to check things out in order to provide a precise answer.
2. Similarily, you can do that with CSS code.
We have some documentation here explaining how to find the different classes and ids you can use in your own CSS code to style the different elements of your shop:
So if you follow the instructions there, you'll find with your browser inspector tool that the class around the price area is: hikashop_product_price_main.
So you can then add such CSS:
.hikashop_product_price_main{ font-size: 20px; }
3. Similarily, if you check the HTML for the weight, you'll find this class: hikashop_product_weight_main
So you can use such CSS:
.hikashop_product_weight_main{ display:block; }