-- HikaShop version -- : 4.2.3
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.16
Good evening
I need some help! I would like to display the products options (variants) on the main and same page than the product itself.
Actually I have an "option" button that drive me on another page.
Basically I want to hide the main product image in order to use a yootheme widget instead (done using tags in a module without the tag image), and keep only the description if one, the options (variants), quantity field and add to cart button.
I made below a small illustration of the steps
The image 1 is the product as displayed now
The image 2 is when I click on options
The image 3 is the result I would like , thank you Photoshop...
I must miss something obvious probably, it is already late here...
Can you point me in the good direction?
Thank you in advance
As it is when you click on product
Display when you click on chose options on new page
Expected result!