Oh you didn't have to do that nicholas. I'd have been happy to do this myself. Can you tell me what exactly it is you changed? That way i can make a backup of the needed code in a TXT file on my desktop so i have something to fall back on and won't have to bother you with this again 
just compared my image with the current template code. Are you referring to this?
<?php echo JHTML::_('content.prepare',$main->use_me); ?>
If there were NO variants, then the default FAQ instructions of using
<?php echo $this->element->XXXX; ?>
would apply?
With content prepare this would become
<?php echo JHTML::_('content.prepare;$this->element->XXXX); ?>
Trying to get all angles here so i have everything in need for future usecases
As to the li part. I thought (or understood the instructions as) needing to copy the EXACT li id. But if i read you correctly this is incorrect? The _li is only used to tell hikashop it's an li but for the tab content section the _li from the tab id needs to be removed? Is that correct?
What about the custom field deletion i mentioned. Did i stumble on a bug?
Either way. Thanks for the excellent support, which deserves to be rewarded. Snapped up the PDF plugin and mollie.com paid addons. Maybe that will compensate a little for the time spent!