-- HikaShop version -- : 4.2.3
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.18
I have a question about the backend form for products (form.php).
I have a field that is of the type textarea. I have put it in as follows:
<dl id="hikashop_product_eigenschappen" class="hika_options">
<dt class="hikashop_product_eigenschappen"><label>Eigenschappen</label></dt>
<dd class="hikashop_product_eigenschappen">
<textarea id="product_eigenschappen" style="width:100%" cols="35" rows="2" name="data[product][eigenschappen]"><?php echo $this->product->eigenschappen; ?></textarea>
Now this will show it as just a textarea. My question is how can i show the textarea with the WYSIWYG editor and that it will also safe the content.
Any help would be appreciated.