Hi Nicolas
I'd checked all that before logging the ticket, obviously. As such, the code works fine but for some reason a number of values no longer seems to be passing and I can't find out why. I checked this by echoing the given field values, which return blanks.
$this->element->dflt_qty ==> no longer retrieves the custom field value stored in "dflt_qty" (returns a blank if you try to echo it)
In the original code (version 4.3.0, view show_quantity), your code to choose the quantity layout per product is:
if(!isset($this->quantityLayout)) {
$quantityLayout = $this->config->get('product_quantity_display', 'show_default_div');
$quantityLayout = $this->getProductQuantityLayout($this->row);
} else
$quantityLayout = $this->quantityLayout;
If I set the quantity layout at product level, however, this value (bold) does not pass either. The system always seems to pick up the quantity layout from the configuration file, not from the product settings.
Any idea why these values are not passing?