Your error message means that among all your products one of them use the same Product code.
The most simple idea, is to check that your "main" product code isn't the one you want use in your variant and to modify it
Ex :
Product tab : ("main" product)
Code => HKTSwh01_REF
Variants tab :
Code => HKTSwh01
(variant 01)
Code => HKTSwh02
(variant 02)
Code => HKTSwh03
And so on...
IF your "main" product doesn't use this code
AND also, if none of
all of your products use this code, maybe this product code
remains present in SQL (from a deleted product).
Then take care,
wrong managing Sql can leads to important issue, you have to
only modify the product code,
not delete it OR delete the product entry (line), I insist it's very important.
If you have
any doubts about how to process come back to us before
modifying your Sql.
Note : Most often we didn't recommend to directly modifying Sql tables, here it's one of the rare cases where there is no other choice !
Hope this will help you to move forward.