stock of size and display of items

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4 years 7 months ago #322440


I have a site to compose with options / variants.

I will try to explain :

let's say I have X pullovers and Y pullovers...
colours , red , green
size : L , S

I want in the category view to display green pullover X, red pullover X, green pullover Y, red pullover Y.
You have to be able to switch between green pull X, red pull X when you're on the card, or at least display the color variation somewhere to make you want to do it once you're on that green pull X page.

The idea is to have one link and one url per sweater/color so that you can link to the product.

I also need to be able to manage stock by size independently without creating a new product.
I know it's a lot to ask, I'm testing with virtuemart too, without any real solution. I can use a paid option if necessary.

ha : you also need a negative paying attribute : for example green pull X : 50 , without logo : 40

Thank you


J'ai un site à composer avec des options / variantes.

Je vais tenter d'expliquer :

imaginons que j'ai des pulls X et des pulls Y
couleurs , rouge , vert
taille : L , S

je veux dans la vue catégorie afficher pull X vert, pull X rouge, pull Y vert, pull Y rouge.
Il faut que l'on puisse switcher de pull X vert, pull X rouge quand on est sur la fiche, ou du moins d'afficher la variation de couleur quelque part pour donner envie une fois que l'on est sur cette fiche pull X vert.

L'idée est d'avoir une lien et une url par Pull / couleur de manière à pouvoir faire des lien vers le produit

Il faut aussi que je puisse gérer les stocks par taille indépendamment sans créer d'article par taille.
Je sais que c'est beaucoup demander, je teste avec virtuemart aussi, sans véritgable solution. Je peux utiliser une option payante si nécessaire.

ha : il faudrait aussi un attribut payant négatif : par exemple pull X vert : 50 , sans logo : 40


Last edit: 4 years 7 months ago by tataye.

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  • Posts: 83407
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4 years 7 months ago #322444


You say "I also need to be able to manage stock by size independently without creating a new product.". But you don't give a reason why you want that.

In your case, what I would recommend is this:
Create one product for each size and color. And add the other colors/sizes products of the same real product as "related products".
That way, they will display on the product details page so that the customers can easily switch from one to the other.
And since they are normal products, they will all appear on the products listing.
And you can easily add an option to add or remove some few from the product based on a selection of the customer, that's not a problem.
So the only thing which doesn't check the boxes with your requirements is that line "I also need to be able to manage stock by size independently without creating a new product." but since you didn't explain why you need that, I don't see if that would matter or if you could make do with the solution I proposed above.

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