-- HikaShop version -- : 4.3.0
-- Joomla version -- : 2.5.28
-- PHP version -- : 5.6.40
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Firefox 80.0.1
I am responsible for maintaining a legacy website. This means that the client is VERY resistant to change so updates only occur when absolutely necessary.
My skills as a web designer are limited and my grasp of .php is negligent but I fumble through. 
WAS working with Joomla 2.5.28 and Hikashop 2.3.5
Something changed recently (probably hosting configuration) that meant that I was no longer able to add or edit products. (gives a 403 error on creation/edit or even cancel)
So....was able to convince client that it was time to upgrade. Upgrading fixed the issue but....because of the extreme change in versions I am now faced with re-styling MANY of the features of the webpage to get things back to looking the way they did. 
Currently redoing everything with Joomla 2.5.28 and Hikashop 4.3.0
In the previous version I was able to hide the Qty by editing the (X_ITEMS_IN_STOCK) in the language file. Additionally the program provided a class (.hikashop_product_no_stock) when there were no items in stock that allowed me to style something when it was sold out.
See example:
The new version does not do this!! Editing the language file does not hide the Qty. and the out of stock class is not created. Can someone help me figure out how to duplicate the results of the previous version?