Follow me step by step to add this feature in your product description :
1. Have a look on
this documentation
to discover how to process with the HikaShop Override system.
2. Now go to customize your product/show_default, and the idea is to replace the description part, around line 195 :
3. Now in your folder view,
YourWebsite\components\com_hikashop\views\product\tmpl, open the
show_tabulat.php, or like previous via the
4. Go around line
70, you will this :
echo $this->loadTemplate();
<div id="hikashop_product_description_main_mini" class="hikashop_product_description_main_mini"><?php
// DISPLAY the product description
if(!empty($this->element->product_description)) {
$function = 'mb_substr';
$function = 'substr';
$resume = $function(strip_tags(preg_replace('#<hr *id="system-readmore" */>.*#is','',$this->element->product_description)),0,300);
if (!empty($this->element->product_description) && strlen($this->element->product_description)>300)
$resume .= " ...<a href='#hikashop_show_tabular_description'>".JText::_('READ_MORE')."</a>";
echo JHTML::_('content.prepare',$resume);
In show_default, you have to replace the part that start with
<div id="hikashop_product_description_main_min...
and that finish with
=> This part manage your description with in it by default a read more that cut to 300 characters, feel free to modify this parameters to better fit your needs.
Hope this will fit your needs.