I'm quite sure that you can do this via Custom Css, so as a start have a look on
this tutorial
to see how to add some custom Css.
More in details now, you have use the Css commande : "display: block" on your td element from their container (via their html class)
Like on this example :
.container_html_class td {
display: block;
For the required asterisk, that will be more complicated, but a little more DIY as a way of things, but you can use the command position, like on this example :
.asterisk_html_class {
position: relative;
top: -45px;
For your button "
add to cart" you have to override the margin command, with a more priority css command, like this :
.product_page_class .add_to_cart_class {
margin: 0px !important;
Hope this will help you to achieved what you need.