There is no option or interface to allow for that.
However, the add to wart system is supposed to handle it on the server side thanks to the code:
$options = hikaInput::get()->get('hikashop_product_option', array(), 'array');
$options_qty = hikaInput::get()->get('hikashop_product_option_qty', array(), 'array');
if(!empty($options) && is_array($options)) {
$data[0]['options'] = array();
foreach($options as $k => $option) {
if(empty($option) || (int)$option == 0)
if(isset($options_qty[$k]) && empty($options_qty[$k]))
if(!isset($options_qty[$k]) || (int)$options_qty[$k] < 0) $options_qty[$k] = 0;
$qty = !empty($options_qty[$k]) ? (int)$options_qty[$k] : $quantity;
$coef = !empty($options_qty[$k]) ? 0 : 1;
$data[0]['options'][] = array(
'id' => (int)$option,
'qty' => $qty,
'coef' => $coef
in administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/cart.php
So if you're a developer, you should be able to edit the view file product / option.php to add the corresponding input fields so that the user could select the quantity he wants for the options.
There, you can see the name of the input for the options being:
$map = 'hikashop_product_option[]';
if($selectionMethod == 'radio')
$map = 'hikashop_product_option['.$i.']';
So you would need to have:
$qty_name = 'hikashop_product_option_qty[]';
if($selectionMethod == 'radio')
$qty_name = 'hikashop_product_option_qty['.$i.']';
for your quantity inputs.