The link Philippe gave you in the other thread is a tutorial on how to edit view files.
There, we explain that you can activate the "Display view files" setting of the HikaShop configuration to that you'll know which view file is used to display what.
For the price and VAT in the cart, you'll find that it's the file product / cart.php that you need to edit via the menu Display>Views of HikaShop.
There, you can just swap the block of code displaying the VAT and the block of code displaying the total.
For the heading "These shipping methods are available:", it isn't displayed via a view file, but directly in plugins/hikashop/shippingmanual_price/shippingprices_views/frontend_product.php
If you want to modify that file, you can manually copy it to media/com_hikashop/plugins/frontend_product.php and modify the copy.